
Colds: 9 Remedies to Win the Battle

At some point in our lives, each of us succumbs to the common cold. It shows no bias towards the bravest, the strongest, the sweetest, or the smartest. These viruses set about reducing us to mere shadows of our former selves, leaving us in fits of coughing and sneezing.

To make matters worse, there’s no quick fix. Antibiotics, champions at knocking out bacterial infections, stand powerless against these wily cold viruses. And so, we soldier on, perhaps resorting to a cold pill or two, hoping for relief in the customary week or so.

However, experts in self-care medicine suggest that there’s more we can do to endure a cold with greater comfort, and some remedies might even expedite recovery.

Read on from here to win your battle with cold with these expert-verified 9 remedies.

Vitamin C: Operating as a scavenger within the body, Vitamin C assists in clearing away virus-related debris. It has the potential to shorten the duration of a cold from a lengthy seven days to a more manageable two or three. Short-term use of high doses is generally considered safe, but it’s prudent to consult your healthcare provider before embarking on any supplement program.

Zinc: Research conducted in the UK and the US reveals that sucking on zinc lozenges can trim colds down to an average of four days. It also proves beneficial in alleviating symptoms such as a dry, irritated throat. It’s important not to exceed the dosage recommended by your healthcare provider, as excessive zinc intake can be toxic.

Positive Attitude: A positive outlook regarding your body’s ability to heal itself can mobilize the immune system. You can put this theory into practice through imagery techniques aimed at combatting colds. For instance, imagine a “white tornado decongesting your sinuses” or envision an army of microscopic maids armed with buckets of disinfectant, cleaning up germs.

Rest and Relaxation: Granting your body extra rest enables it to focus its energy on recovery, minimizing the risk of complications. If you’re feeling particularly unwell, consider taking a day or two off work. At the very least, adjust your schedule to accommodate your slowed pace.

Avoid Overexertion: Attempting to maintain your regular routine while unwell can be draining and counterproductive. Slowing down and rescheduling activities can prevent further exhaustion.

Limit Social Activities: Parties and other social gatherings, while enjoyable, can deplete your energy reserves, and potentially prolong your cold. It’s advisable to abstain from such events until you’re on the mend.

Stay Warm: Keeping bundled up ensures that your immune system can concentrate on fighting infection rather than expending energy to maintain your body temperature.

Gentle Exercise: Mild physical activity improves circulation, aiding your immune system in circulating infection-fighting antibodies. Consider a gentle indoor rebounding exercise or a brisk half-hour walk. However, steer clear of strenuous workouts that might leave you feeling even more fatigued.

Balanced Diet: Consider the possibility that your dietary habits may have contributed to your cold. Experts suggest countering this by reducing your intake of fatty foods, meat, and dairy, and increasing your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables to support your body’s metabolism. This dietary shift can help alleviate the strain on your body’s metabolic processes.

In conclusion, facing the common cold is a universal experience, and while there’s no instant remedy, there are effective strategies to ease discomfort and expedite recovery. Embracing a combination of remedies like Vitamin C, zinc, a positive mindset, rest, and balanced nutrition can significantly enhance the healing process. Remember, taking the time to care for your body is a vital step towards a swifter return to health.

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