
Are these ‘healthy’ fruits actually healthy for you?

Fruits are an integral part of our lives. These keep us hydrated, give us nutrition, and everyone likes to eat fruits, don’t they? We have always been told that fruits are healthy for us, haven’t we? But what if I tell you fruits being sold to you are harmful for your wellbeing.

For ripening fruits, fruit vendors soak the fruits in a chemical which ripens them faster and makes the fruit plumper and more attractive than usual. This chemical is known as Calcium Carbide (CaC2). This chemical is locally known as Carbide. This is the same chemical which was made in the Union Carbide Factory, Bhopal. This chemical is made up of carbon and calcium and when this reacts with water, it forms acetylene, which is a highly-combustible fuel used for welding and metal cutting purposes.

Now, why did not FSSAI, WHO and other organizations do anything? They did. In India, FSSAI banned use of Carbide in food products. Meanwhile, in the global perspective, several countries have banned use of this ‘hazardous‘ chemical, some of them are, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Despite these efforts, calcium carbide is still being used illegally across the globe.

What can Calcium Carbide do?

Coming onto a few hazards caused by calcium carbide, are: –

  • Dizziness, headache, sleepiness, confusion, memory loss, and in some severe cases, seizures.
  • It can also lead to respiratory issues such as irritation of the mucous membranes in the nose and throat, leading to coughing and difficulty breathing, gastrointestinal problems like abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nausea, and skin irritation.
  • There is a belief that calcium carbide also has carcinogenic effects, which means that chronic exposure to arsenic, a semi-metal found as an impurity in the chemical may lead to increased risks of cancer. Arsenic is said to be more harmful to children than adults, as it has developmental effects.

Are there any approved alternatives?

There are surprisingly! FSSAI has approved some alternatives to this hazardous chemical (mentioned below).

Ethylene is a naturally occurring plant hormone that regulates the ripening process. Its use in controlled environments for ripening fruits is considered safe and effective. FSSAI has said that this hormone can be used in controlled quantities of up to 100 ppm (100 μl/L).

Ethephon is a plant growth regulator that releases ethylene upon decomposition.

In essence, while fruits are essential for our hydration, nutrition, and overall enjoyment, the use of calcium carbide (CaC₂) for ripening them poses significant health risks. This chemical, used to speed up the ripening process, can cause severe health issues, including dizziness, respiratory problems, gastrointestinal distress, and potentially cancer due to arsenic contamination. Despite bans by regulatory bodies like the FSSAI in India and similar organizations in countries like Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, the illegal use of calcium carbide persists. But it starts from one.


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